Saturday, November 7, 2009

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

My daughter says, "How could you possibly rant about third parties like that (see previous post) when your own brother is about to announce his candidacy as a third party candidate?."

I say, "I am not ranting about third parties-- just making a point. And if I were ranting, my third party rantings don't apply to local races-- only to Presidential elections. I am totally cool with my brothers candidacy."

PS My daughter wrote this post.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Can Third Parties Win???

I'm not convinced.

In President Obama's words "Let me be clear" I'm not talking about local races i.e.; congressional (we see this right now with Doug Hoffman in NY's 23rd District), senator's race and I'll add gubernatorial to the list although it may be tough it is possible. However, my concern is the future presidential race.

I know, I know, I know its a long way off and so many things can happen between now and then but ever since returning from the march in D.C. I've had opportunities to engage in great political conversations. Unfortunately, with each conversation the talk of voting for a third party presidential candidate came up. I reminded each person that NEVER has a third party presidential candidate EVER come close to winning an election and in fact, in at least one case, has cost one candidate the presidency. I asked that before making that decision, read "Liberty & Tyranny" and to give careful and more importantly prayerful consideration to their vote.

This morning while checking the news for the day I came across a clip of The Glenn Beck show discussing third parties. Again, I'm not against voting third party in local elections, case in point: the "Republican" Scozzafava and the Democrat running against her in NY's 23rd District, there is absolutely NO distinction between these two candidates and so we have Hoffman, a true conservative, running on the Independent line and I am hopeful that he can win his district and show republicans what type of candidate we want running. Although I'm not quite sure what Newt's thinking.

Anyway, about fifteen years ago I switched my voter registration card from Republican to Conservative out of principle. I wanted New York State to know that even though there may only be a few of us, WE ARE HERE.

Knowing that great minds think alike, I wasn't surprised to hear Rush talking today along these very same lines ; )

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Friday, August 14, 2009


The Democrats debate over healthcare has nothing to do with healthcare reform but EVERYTHING to do with massive government control over the American people.

I have been writing and calling my representatives and I hope you are too. I strongly believe that President Obama would gladly risk a re-election if could get this "Holy Grail" of liberal agendas passed.

Make your voices heard!!!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

A letter to my senators and congressmen......

I am writing you today to ask you to vote NO against the public health care plan that President Obama is proposing.

My family and I were once part of an HMO and considered this type of coverage completely inadequate. We would routinely wait months or longer for check-ups and if we needed to see a doctor outside the General Practitioner it was by referral only, meaning, we would have to make an appointment with the GP--with a wait of up to three months--only to get referred out to yet another doctor adding to the wait ANOTHER 1-3 months for a total of about 6 months to see any doctor other than our GP.

I recall when our daughter was born and we brought her to the HMO clinic for her regular check-up and vaccination our "doctor" was walking from room to room with the vaccination needle in hand, high in the air, looking for the baby he was to vaccinate--he came into our room looking at our daughters chart, not looking as if he was sure about who he was to be vaccinating, I stopped him and asked "Are you sure that this is the right vaccine for my daughter?" he said "Yeah of course". Well he didn't seem sure to me. I made the decision right there and then to pick up our new born baby and walked right out of that clinic. That day my husband and I began to pay out of pocket for our children's doctor visits--we didn't care how much it would cost us as long as WE WERE ABLE TO CHOOSE the doctor for our children. Never would we go back to that clinic with its over worked doctors and over crowded waiting rooms again. With this type of health insurance there are NO CHOICES--you had to take whatever doctor that particular clinic had to offer.

I would imagine being a parent yourself that you would NOT want this type of care for your children yet this is what this administration wants for mine. Today our family carries private health insurance and could not be happier--regardless of what the president says-his plan WILL EVENTUALLY DESTROY it. I know its not a perfect system, nothing is, but its the best in the world.

Knowing that you served your upstate congressional seat well, we will remain hopeful that you will vote NO to this disastrous plan.

Thank you for taking the time to read our concerns.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


This is just another thing that is concerning to me. Then again most everything that Obama and his administration has done, is doing, and wants to do, concerns me greatly. My biggest frustration politically has been with the Obama obsessed media and this just gives more credence to that.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Sonia Sotomayor nomination:

Please take the time to read Rich's post Empathy Need Not Apply for the Supreme Court. I remember Justice Robert's baseball analogy and thinking how perfect it was to explain what a judges' role is on the courts. Like the baseball analogy, an umpire makes calls based on the rules of the game-not by a person's ethnicity, up-bringing, rich or poor, etc. The determination of innocence or guilt is to be made without bias or prejudice and the blindfolded statue of Lady Justice is the symbol of that.

Monday, April 20, 2009

I found this quote from one of our Founding Fathers, Samuel Adams, and thought how pertinent it was to the Tea Parties:

"It does not take a majority to prevail...but rather an irate, tireless minority
keen on setting brushfires of freedom and liberty in the minds of men."

Monday, April 13, 2009

Merriam-Webster's definition of socialism & capitalism:

Capitalism: an economic system of private ownership of capital.

Socialism: a social system based on government control of the production and distribution of goods; Or in our presidents words "Spreading the wealth"

I need things to relate to my life in order to gain a greater understanding of a concept or idea, here's how the above definitions look like in a restaurant:

CAPITALISM: Right now, the way it works in the restaurant is there are three waitresses working on the floor and each night we get a station with an equal amount of tables in that station and to keep it fair the stations rotate every night --this is our private property for the night. After tipping out the bartender and busboy we go home with the tips we've made for the night. Naturally, there's incentive and competition with this system, the quicker each of us moves our tables the more money we'll make. Also, over time, each waitress builds relationships with customers and in turn the customer might ask to sit with a certain waitress--that's building our private business. The outcome: the harder each of us works our tables the more each of us produces, in addition to us earning more, the busboy will earn more too if he works hard at getting our tables cleared, wrap any leftovers, and setting the tables quickly for the next customer--this is the trickle down affect.

This system not only works best for the waitress, bartenders, and busboys--it works best for the owner too. When the waitress works with a pleasant manner and tries to ensure that the customer is getting all their dining needs met, the greater the chance of a repeat customer. Moreover, the better the service; chances are the better the tip, the worse the service is; the greater the chance of a bad tip. There is much reward with capitalism. Capitalism with competition naturally creates better workers in the work place. To me, this is plain old common sense.

SOCIALISM: But what if my boss believed it wasn't fair that there was one person making much more than the others. Let's say I was the one making the better tips than my coworkers. Maybe my boss thought it wasn't fair to the others because I was younger ( :) ) and quicker at moving my tables than the other waitresses or maybe he thought that I had a greater advantage because I lived in the neighborhood and the other girls didn't. And now my co-workers were noticing and started to complain to our boss. Now my boss makes a decision and says "'Tricia, because you make better tips than anyone else here I want to try to make things fair for everyone. I want you, in addition to working your own section, to take two more tables out of your coworkers section, and instead of keeping the tips you earn from these extra tables I want you, at the end of each night, to split ALL your tips evenly with the others" (or redistribution of wealth). What if the other workers were just plain lazy workers with bad attitudes and that's why they weren't making as much as me? We've all at one point or another worked with lazy people. The restaurant that pools their tips is a great place for lazy people to work.

Remember, I was producing more not only for myself but for the restaurant too--But now, everyone will benefit from my labor--I will be working MORE for LESS while my coworkers will work LESS for MORE by taking from me--(or recieve welfare). Where is my incentive to work harder if in the end it will be taken away to give to my coworkers--there is none. Eventually, I'll grow weary and bitter of this system and look for another restaurant that practices keeping your own tips (or another name, capitalism), my coworkers will suffer, and my boss will lose one of his best producers and his business will suffer.

Again, capitalism creates and encourages hard work while on the other hand socialism creates or encourages laziness.

Of course this is all just hypothetically speaking--I work at a great restaurant with equally great coworkers. But I have worked at other restaurants where we pooled tips and without fail there were people I liked to work with because we were all working together and then there were the lazy ones who would walk out with the same amount of money as me but work half as much.

If you know your history the Jamestown settlers initially tried a socialist type common store house. Those who did little work rec'd a share of goods equal to that of the most industrious. It didn't work!!!! About a year later starvation and sickness had halved their numbers until John Smith put strong restrictions on the colony, including the biblical truth that if you do not work you will not eat (2Thess. 3:10).

Sunday, April 12, 2009

**This article comes from The Daily Mail**

Pope warns of 'a desert of godlessness' in Good Friday address**

Pope Benedict XVI last night attacked the rise of aggressive secularism in Western societies, warning them that they risked drifting into a 'desert of godlessness'.

He used his Good Friday meditations to compare deliberate attempts to remove religion from public life to the mockery of Jesus Christ by the mob as he was led out to be crucified.

'Values and norms that held societies together and drew people to higher ideals are laughed at and thrown overboard. Jesus continues to be ridiculed.'

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

"We Do Not Consider Ourselves A Christian Nation"

My mouth dropped when I heard our president make this statement.

"Don't let anyone claim to be a true American. Don't let them claim the tribute of American patriotism if they ever attempt to remove religion from politics."

~George Washington's farewell address

"America was born a Christian nation. America was born to exemplify that devotion to the elements of righteousness which are derived from the revelations of the Holy Scripture."

~Woodrow Wilson

~Patrick Henery made a very clear statement:

"It cannot be emphasized too often or too strongly that this great nation was founded not by religionists but by Christians; not on religions but on the gospel of Jesus Christ....It is for this reason that people of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity and freedom of worship here."

Monday, April 6, 2009

I'm having a slow start here at Uncommon Sense....but its not for a lack of political frustrations, the frustrations are overflowing, my problem is, where do I begin? If it's possible, each day the political news seems to be more disturbing than the day before. I'll just have to start somewhere.

ANYway, I just read this article by Orson Bean: Mark Levin the Thomas Paine of Our Time. Thomas Paine was the author of Common Sense, a pamphlet that stirred the colonies to declare independence from England. Paine penned these challenging words to the colonists some of whom were still not convinced the need for a revolution. His words DID rouse the colonies and spread with fervor:

"O ye that love mankind, ye that dare not only to oppose tyranny but the tyrant, stand forth! Every spot in the old world is overrun with oppression. The birthday of a new world is at hand! Independence in America should date from the first musket that was fired against her."

Mark Levin the modern day Thomas Paine.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Tuesday, March 31, 2009